Randy Best is a businessman, who has excelled in a number of industries, Including education, real estate, publishing, food, oil and gas, agriculture, defense and aerospace, and healthcare. He has founded or
acquired over one hundred companies, public or private, in these industries. He achieved success even though he struggled with dyslexia his entire life.
Randy Best first became an entrepreneur while he was in college at Lamar University. He has continued to create and acquire companies for the next four decades. In the beginning, Randy Best spent much of his professional career founding, buying, and selling successful companies. In more recent years, he has focused on entrepreneurial efforts, which also have a social mission. His goal was to create or acquire sustainable businesses, which also serve the community. The focus of these efforts is education.
Randy Best focused his efforts specifically on education and the welfare of children. He founded a national initiative, which today helps over three million, mostly inner-city children, to learn to read. Because Randy Best was dyslexic as a child he appreciated, first hand, the value of being able to read. He understood the frustration of not being a strong reader and determined to help others learn to read.
Randy Best : : Listed on CorporateB2Bprofile.com
Randy Best : : Profile on corporatedatanews2.com
Randy Best : : Article at CorporateReference.com
Randy Best : : Registered with CorporateHandshakes.com
Randy Best : : Profile at CorporateDataMinings.com